What is abhyanga massage and how it is connected to your sexual health

Abhyanga is a type of massage, which is done with hot oil. Through this massage, emphasis is laid on improving physical and mental health. This massage can be done by yourself or can also be done by a massage therapist.


Abhyanga massage helps to calm and relax the body. Massage is one of the major aspects of Ayurvedic medicine. According to a sexologist in Gurgaon, Ayurveda massage therapy is needed to keep the body parts healthy. Many types of oils and herbs are used for this.


Intending to increase its importance and spread awareness among people about Ayurvedic medicine, Online Health is starting the 'Arogya with Ayurveda' series in May 2023. Through this article, Famous Sexologist in Gurgaon will give you information about the herbs and therapies of Ayurveda. In this article of the series, we are telling you in detail about 'Abhyanga'.


What is an Abhyanga massage?


This is an old technique of Ayurveda. In this, the whole body is massaged with hot oil. This massage can be done by a therapist or by yourself. A Sex consultant in Gurgaon advised that It would be better to make it better with a therapist.


There are many types of massage therapy in Ayurveda. This also includes Abhyanga, in which the whole body is massaged with hot oil. This is an old technique of Ayurveda.


Taking this therapy relaxes the body and mind. This keeps the body temperature under control. Also, the blood flow in the body remains correct. Ayurveda has been considered the best way to heal and live a healthy life.


Benefits of Abhyanga massage


Sex specialist in Gurgaon says that the Abhyanga massage not only benefits the body but also gives peace to the mind. Let us know in detail about the different types of Abhyanga massage:


  1. Helpful in reducing stress


After this massage, the stress level decreases. Also, the heartbeat also decreases. The nervous system is also positively affected by the aroma of various essential oils used during this massage, due to which the mind gets peace and stress can be reduced.


  1. Spray for skin



This massage can smoothen the skin. The oil used in it nourishes the skin. This increases the quality of the skin. Massage increases blood flow in the skin, reduces wrinkles and increases the flexibility and softness of the skin.

Therefore, if you are troubled by the spots and signs of aging on the face, then you can also use this massage to improve the skin. Hyper-perfusion is also reduced.


  1. Blood pressure decreases


Those who are suffering from hypertension i.e. high blood pressure can benefit from Abhyanga massage. A sexual doctor for male in Gurgaon recommends this massage because During massage, the blood vessels open up a bit, which improves blood flow and helps in reducing blood pressure. More evidence and research is needed to fully prove these samples.



  1. Muscle stiffness


Abhyanga massage helps in increasing body fat. It reduces muscle stiffness. A study also found that massaging the ankles increases the flexibility of the joints and self-massage also increases speed. Therefore, the stiffer muscles should be massaged first.



  1. Helps in increasing energy


By doing this massage, the body gets energy. Massage accelerates the blood flow in the body. All anxiety and stress fade away and there is a feeling of renewed energy. This also increases physical stamina and reduces the signs of aging. A famous Sexologist in Gurgaon says that it increases sexual health too.

According to a male sexual doctor in Gurgaon, the above given benefits are also connected to sexual health.


How to choose the right oil for abhyanga?


Tips given by a Sexologist in Gurgaon to choose the right oil for abhyanga is important to do first. The choice of oil largely depends on the individual constitution or dosha of the person: -


For Vata: This dosha is characterized by dryness and coldness. Sesame oil, due to its warm and beautiful properties, is ideal for the Vata type. It helps to moisturize and relax dry Vata skin.


For Pitta: This dosha has the properties of heat and weakness. Cooling oils like coconut or sunflower are recommended for Pitta. These oils help to soothe the natural heat of Pitta skin types.


For Kapha: Being heavy and soft in nature, Kapha types benefit from warm and light oils like mustard or grapeseed. These oils stimulate and energize the Kapha body, without increasing heaviness or stickiness. Warm oil is better in summer, while heavier oils may be more beneficial in cold weather.


Herbal infusions:  A Sexologist in Gurgaon tells the beneficial effects of abhyanga can be enhanced by using oils with beneficial properties that you need. For example, adding calming herbs for stress relief or energizing herbs to increase energy.


Oil quality: Always choose high-quality, organic and cold-pressed oils to ensure that you get the full benefits without any harmful ingredients. It is advisable to consult a sex specialist in Gurgaon or an Ayurvedic practitioner to use the most suitable oil for your specific needs and body structure.

Inflammation that increases during abhyanga massage

Of course, this massage has many benefits, but it is important to keep the following things in mind while doing it:


●   This massage should be avoided after eating. If there is constipation, then also this massage should not be done. Even if there is a fever, cold or cough, do not do this massage.

●  Women should not do abhyanga massage during periods that should be avoided.

●   A Sex consultant in Gurgaon advised that this massage can also be harmful to pregnant women.


Disadvantages of Abhyanga Massage

Abhyanga massage should not be taken by pregnant women. Otherwise, the problem can increase. Apart from this, the following disadvantages points given by sexual doctor for male in Gurgaon: -

● Body pain

● Skin allergy

●  Low blood sugar level

●  If there is a blood clot somewhere in the body, then the risk of heart attack or stroke increases after this massage

Cost of Abhyanga Massage

According to a male sexual doctor in Gurgaon, Abhyanga massage is a good Ayurvedic technique. Its price can be from 3 thousand to 8 thousand for 1 hour. The price is also determined on how long you are taking the therapy or where you are getting the therapy from. 


Friends, the benefits of abhyanga massage mentioned in this article help you a lot in getting stress-free and relaxing. The information given by the sexual consultant of Gurgaon will be helpful for you. Hope you like this blog if you like then don’t forget to share.


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