The Top 6 Yoga Poses To Cure Sexual Dysfunction

 The Top 6 Yoga Poses To Cure Sexual Dysfunction


As numerous people experience sexual difficulties or disturbances at different phases of development and general health, research on the probable impact of yoga like Paschimottanasana, Uttanasana have been proven effective for the treatment of sexual-related problems.


Yoga, a centuries-old form of spiritual and physical practice developed from Indian philosophy, is increasingly popular all around the globe. It has established a superior impact on overall physical, mental, and emotional health.


The art of yoga cannot only be helpful to assist in the treatment of different psychiatric disorders but also provides yoga for the body and sexual wellness based on sexologist in Delhi.Certain yoga practices target pelvic floor muscles; brief sessions, repetitions, and durations improve pelvic floor muscle strength and interaction, resulting in better sexual life.


According to a famous sexologist in Delhi, as research continues to investigate the processes underlying these advantages, yoga appears as a promising complementary therapy for people looking to control sexual dysfunction and improve their overall sexual well-being.


Yoga Asanas to Deal With Sexual Dysfunction


These top 6 yoga asanas, suggested by a promising sex consultant in Delhi, help to deal with sexual dysfunctions in males and females.


  1. Uttanasana


Also known as the standing forward bend, uttanasana is a fundamental pose in many yoga routines. This intense stretch may help alleviate anxiety and is believed by some to assist with infertility. This strenuous stretch helps with infertility. Furthermore, sexologist in Delhi suggest that it promotes digestion and stimulates the gastrointestinal organs.


How to do it:


        Stand with your hands on your hips.

        As you exhale, hinge forward from your hips, focusing on lengthening your torso forward.

        Try to keep your knees straight.

        For 30 seconds to a full minute try to relax in this pose.

        With each inhale, lift your torso slightly and lengthen your body.

        With each exhale, deepen the stretch. While in the position, gently nod "yes" and "no" to ensure your head and neck are relaxed.


  1. Baddha Konasana


Baddha Konasana helps to stretch the groin and inner thighs. According to the sexual doctor for male in Delhi, butterfly pose helps to enhance the bladder, abdominal organs, prostate gland and kidney.


How to do it:


        Start this asana by sitting down and then extending your legs in front of you.

        For added comfort, you may sit on a folded blanket to elevate your pelvis.

        Bend your knees as you exhale, drawing your heels toward your pelvis one at a time.

        To the sides drop your knees and press the soles of your feet together.

        Grasp your big toes with your first and second fingers, or hold your ankles or shins.

        Hold the pose for 1 to 5 minutes. As you breathe, focus on lengthening your torso.


  1. Paschimottanasana


Also known as Seated Forward Bend, Paschimottanasana helps relax pelvic muscles from prolonged sitting and promotes better blood flow. A famous sexologist in Delhi suggests this pose also aids in calming the mind and relieving mild depression.


How to do it:


        Sit down on the yoga mat and keep your legs extended in front of you. For added support, consider using a folded blanket.

        Rock your body slightly to the left and use your hand to pull the right sit bone away. Repeat on the other side.

        Inhale deeply, keeping your upper body long and your spine straight.

        Exhale slowly as you lean forward, lengthening your tailbone towards the floor.

        If possible, reach for your feet with your hands, fully extending your elbows.

        Be still in that pose for 1 to 3 minutes.


  1. Janu Sirsasana


Janu Sirsasana, also known as Head-to-Knee Pose, works best when done on an empty stomach. A male sexual doctor in Delhi says practicing Janu Sirsasana regularly improves flexibility and promotes blood circulation in the lower abdomen and groin. This practice has holistic benefits for both body and mind. Additionally, a sexologist in Delhi claims this asana serves as an effective stress reliever.


How to do it:


        Rest on the floor.

        In front of you extend both legs.

        Sit tall, inhale, and bend your right knee, drawing the heel towards your pelvis.

        Rest the sole of your foot against the opposite inner thigh.

        Inhale and raise both arms overhead.

        Exhale, lengthen the spine and hinge forward from the hips over the extended leg.

        Aim to bring your chin towards your knee, and if possible, clasp your hands around your foot.

        Feel the stretch along the back of your extended leg and the opening in your hips and groin area.


  1. Bridge Pose


Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is good for strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. According to a sex specialist in Delhi, it can assist relieve discomfort during sexual intercourse while also improving the overall sexual experience. A sexual doctor for male in Delhi advises you to practice the Bridge Pose regularly to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.


How to do it:


        On a yoga mat, lie on your back. Keep your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart, with your ankles parallel to the ground.

        Keep your hands level on the floor close to your body, overcoming, with your elbows stretched out for soundness.

        Inhale profoundly, captivating your center muscles.

        Crush your legs and lift your spine off the floor, permitting your middle to follow.

        Keep your head and shoulders down.

        Hold the Extension Posture for around 5 seconds while holding a full breath.


  1. Kumbhakasana


Sex specialist in DelhiSex specialist in Delhi advises to practice Kumbhakasana regularly as it helps in strengthening your core, arms, and shoulders. A male sexual doctor in Delhi has also claimed that Kumbhakasana enhances postures.


How to do it:


        Lie down on your face with your stomach touching the floor. Keep your hands to the sides of your face.

        Make careful to put your feet together.

        The tips of the toes should be touching the floor.

        Lift your trunk, upper body and thighs off the floor with the help of your arms and core.

        Keep holding this plank pose along with your breath for 30 to 60 seconds.




In conclusion, yoga presents a viable strategy for treating sexual difficulties by addressing physical, cognitive, and emotional components. Ayurveda claims that yoga helps reduce tension, increase flexibility, and promote relaxation. The asanas explained above will help you to improve the ideal environment for sexual function and satisfaction.


According to a sex consultant in Delhi, regular practice can help people connect with their bodies and improve their sexual health. Yoga is a holistic and accessible technique to promote sexual wellness.


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