
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Top 6 Yoga Poses To Cure Sexual Dysfunction

  The Top 6 Yoga Poses To Cure Sexual Dysfunction   As numerous people experience sexual difficulties or disturbances at different phases of development and general health, research on the probable impact of yoga like Paschimottanasana, Uttanasana have been proven effective for the treatment of sexual-related problems.   Yoga, a centuries-old form of spiritual and physical practice developed from Indian philosophy, is increasingly popular all around the globe. It has established a superior impact on overall physical, mental, and emotional health.   The art of yoga cannot only be helpful to assist in the treatment of different psychiatric disorders but also provides yoga for the body and sexual wellness based on sexologist in Delhi.Certain yoga practices target pelvic floor muscles; brief sessions, repetitions, and durations improve pelvic floor muscle strength and interaction, resulting in better sexual life.   According to a famous sexologist in Delhi, as research cont

5 ways to Improving intimacy and communication in Relationships Affected by sexual dysfunction

  In today's time, sexual dysfunction, also known as erectile dysfunction, has become a prevalent issue. Many men are affected by this and due to this, problems are seen in their relationships also.  However, relationships affected by sexual dysfunction can be improved through communication. Sexologists in Delhi have suggested many ways to improve intimacy and communication in relationships affected by sexual dysfunction.  So, if you too are being affected by sexual dysfunction in your relationships, then today's blog is for you only. In today's blog, we will learn about five ways to improve intimacy and communication in relationships affected by sexual dysfunction, as suggested by sex consultants in Delhi .   How Relationships Affected by Sexual Dysfunction   As you may know, a sufficient erection is necessary for sexual fulfilment. But sexual dysfunction is a condition where your partner finds it difficult to get a proper erection.   Sex specialist in Delhi

Understanding the link between stress and sexual dysfunction: Tips for managing.

  Stress and sexual dysfunction are the main root causes that promote sexual dysfunction, there are many factors that influence such causes and strategies to eliminate such causes, let's get to know them.   India, with its frenetic lifestyle has made stress an ever-present companion for many. Stress can impact an individual both physiologically and psychologically, one of which is sexual functioning. Professionals like sexologist in Delhi have found several links between the two. It silently undermines the sexual health of a person and their satisfaction.   Physiological connection   Persistent stress can disrupt hormonal balance for example, it triggers the release of cortisol which is the body’s stress hormone (for fight and flight responses) that can disrupt the balance of other hormones involved in sexual functioning like estrogen and testosterone which thereafter leads to decreased libido or low sex drive. By narrowing the blood vessels and limiting/reducing blood